英国: Britain; England; the United ...勇敢: brave; courageous; valiant; ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...人: human being; man; person; pe ...尼尔 英国 勇敢的人: neil勇敢的人: ironside; kala; the brave one; valerie多勇敢的人啊: what a man高尚勇敢的人: a man of spirit勤劳勇敢的人民: a brave and industrious people也总是最勇敢的人: courtesy is the inseparable companion of virtue勇敢的: braver; bravest; chivalrous; courageous; daring; doughty; dountless; fearless; gamey; gamy; gritty; hardy; high-spirited; lionhearted; manful; martial; mettlesome; stout; stronghearted; undaunted; valiant; valorous; yeomanly勇敢的人可用生命冒险: it is not the fine coat that makes the gentleman假勇敢的: pot-valiant勇敢的,无畏的: bold勇敢的船长: captain courageous; captains courageous勇敢的故事: brave story aratanaru tabibito sce japan勇敢的孩子: 190.a bold gril勇敢的皇后: boudica勇敢的马术: daring horsemanship勇敢的面对: brave勇敢的男孩: 53.a brave boy勇敢的女孩: 105.a gallant girl勇敢的骑士: a gallant knight soldier etc勇敢的骑手: a dashing horseman勇敢的心: brave heart